National Garden Clubs Publications
Floral designers from across the globe share their designing skills every week in The Vision of Beauty. This desktop calendar is filled with floral and garden inspiration that is sure to motivate even the most reluctant designers.
Enter your design to be considered for the Vision of Beauty Calendar with this form
Children get in touch with the outdoors in Network with Nature, Frogs croak about the Environment in The Frightened Frog and a seed shares its journey to becoming a Jack‐O‐Lantern in The Saved Seed. Purchase these books for your kids, grandkids, school kids or local library by visiting our online store.
Want to become a Flower Show Judge? Want to host a Flower Show? The Handbook for Flower Shows has it all ‐ learn the ins and outs of NGC Flower Shows including design styles, staging a show, judging guidelines and more by either purchasing a printed copy at our online store or by accessing the FREE revised digital version.
National Garden Clubs’ signature magazine is filled with information for gardeners, floral designers, environmentalists and more. For more details, and to subscribe to this free publication, see The National Gardener page.
Subscribe to the NGC’s blog by entering your email here. You will receive an email when there is a new blog article on the NGC website. You do not have to be an NGC member to subscribe!
To submit content for consideration as a blog article on the NGC website, please upload your content and photos using this blog submission form. The blog coordinator reviews and may edit submissions prior to publication. Please review blog guidelines prior to submission.
News from National Garden Clubs Environmental, Gardening and Landscape Design Schools, Newscape provides information to students and consultants on school changes plus interesting and informative articles for all members. To view this free publication, visit Member Resources.
Learn new floral design styles, find inspirations for installations and meetings ‐ all this and many other fascinating publications are waiting for you at Our Store or Member Resources.
Engage kids in your community with free NGC Youth publications! Playing outdoors is an important part of teaching our youth to love the world of nature. The Ecological Warriors Workbook encourages young environmentalists. The Pollinator Power Book teaches kids how bats, bees, butterflies, birds and other pollinators contribute to our growing world.
Click Here to View All Youth Activity Books and Publications!
Keeping in Touch, beginning with the 2021-2023 administration, is a newsletter specifically for State Presidents and Region Directors.
Fulfilling the Dream- NGC History 1929- 2004
Toolkit for Success, written by Mary Warshauer (NGC President 2021-2023).