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Video Café

Video Cafe

Videos by Category

  1. NGC President Mary Warshauer Address 2021Mary Warshauer, President 2021-2023, speaks to garden clubs about her hopes and projects for the next two years. Included are Plant America, Blue Star Markers, Youth, and she encourages all to "Garden With Nature" in the playground of possibilities. So let's all of us go "Play Outdoors" and enjoy gardening. (15 minutes)
  2. Club Welcome 2021President Mary Warshauer welcomes clubs to the new year. (1 minute)
  3. NGC Executive Committee Introduction 2021NGC President Mary Warshauer introduces the 2021-2023 Executive Committee with opening remarks by Barbara May former president 2007-2009. (10 minutes)
  4. NGC Headquarters- The headquarter grounds of National Garden Club in St Louis Missouri. (3 minutes)

Webinar invitations are sent by email to National Gardener subscribers. To receive invitations for future webinars by email, subscribe here.

  1. Ball Seed Webinar- Anna Ball is the CEO of Ball Horticulture Company, a family company, 117 years old, a total of 4 generations. The company deals with many aspects of horticulture from breeding, biotechnology, production and marketing of hybrid plants. (38 minutes)
  2. Homegrown National Park by Doug Tallamy 2022- Noted author and speaker, Doug Tallamy, shares his grassroots call-to-action for all to regenerate biodiversity in one's own yard and/or volunteer at community open spaces. (54 minutes)
  3. The Power of Plants to Prevent, Heal and Cure Diseases 2022- Dr. Aurélie de Rus Jacquet, is an Ethnopharmacologist. Her presentation focuses on the work of studying plants in different cultures that cure illness and heal injuries. Her current work focuses on finding plant-based cures for Parkinson's disease. A truly educational and fascinating program. (40 Minutes)
  4. Expanding the Role of Agriculture 2022- Josie Walker covers the many opportunities that she has experienced working with nonprofit groups, mostly in North Carolina. She offers good advice for garden clubs in how they too can contribute in helping this growing problem in our country by growing food and teaching others how to do the same. (37 minutes)
  5. ECHO: Global Agriculture Sustainability 2022- Danielle Flood, ECHO Communication VP talks about how this unique nonprofit works across the globe helping others to create sustainability in their agriculture food practices and needs. (35 minutes)
  6. Bees in Ancient Egypt- Dr. Gene Kritsky shares his wonderful knowledge and slides about the documented role of bees going back to ancient Egypt. It is fascinating to learn how this culture used bees for health, growing their food and even, to use in their "afterlife." (43 minutes)
  7. Q & A Ancient Bees- Kritsky Webinar (27 minutes)
  8. Flower Trials- Krystal Snyder, is involved with the Penn State Extension team in charge of the Flower Trails. She shares how the university trials that have been supported by the school since 1936, are conducted.
    It is fascinating to hear the process and yes, you will learn what makes a plant pass criteria that nurseries need to get them to market, a process that sometimes takes years. (40 minutes)
  9. Brad Austin Presents - Sharing His Floral & Entertainment Business - Brad Austin's career spans over 40 years, providing unique floral designs for the entertainment and events business. This includes work for Hollywood movies, TV productions, and large scale LA executive and private parties. He presents a rare look behind the entertainment world's "magic curtain" as he calls it. (37 minutes)
  10. Single Use Plastics-The Problems and Solutions- Presented by Dr Rachel Meidel, currently a Baker Institute fellow, and an expert in this field. .
    Global issues include the ever increasing growth of plastics waste. Learn about the scale of the issues and how world governments need to work out solutions. You can find out facts to help support awareness in your own community. (54 minutes)
  11. Dark Skies Webinar (39 minutes)
  12. Merry and Green presented by Judy Gray- Judy Gray demonstrates holiday designs using sustainable and eco-friendly materials and mechanics in floral design.


  1. Find A Club - this video demonstrates how to add your club's contact information to our NGC club directory. (2 minutes)
  2. Leadership - Asking and Answering the Difficult Questions-  This video addresses the sticky questions each club has sent us asking for help.-How to disagree agreeably
    -How to handle an obstructive member
    -How to use parliamentary motions
    -How to get clubs to federate with us
    -What are the traits of a great leader
    Chances are that you have experienced one or more of these situations. This video will help you seek solutions that help your club gain harmony.
  3. A Tour of the NGC Website 2021- View online publications, read our blogs, learn about our programs, schools, grants, awards and other member resources. Learn some navigation tips and how to use online forms.
    (26 minutes)
  4. Website Board Member Section- a short tour of the board area of the NGC website, which is password protected.
    (9 minutes)
  5. Membership 3Rs- Recruit 2021This is the first of a series of workshops to help clubs with membership opportunities. (1 hour)
  6. Membership 3Rs- Retain 2022Once you recruit great members, how do you keep them coming back? How do you get them happy and engaged, ready to step up to leadership positions? How do you make them ambassadors for your group? In this video we explore some key elements of member retention. (28 minutes)
  7. Membership 3Rs- Revitalize 2022- This video is the third in our 3Rs Membership building series - Revitalize. Learn how to revitalize a tired club, how to reinvigorate the love of your club's mission, and how to forge forward into the virtual arena of connection.(29 minutes)
  8. Parliamentary Procedure Made Easy - An introduction to Bylaws, Standing Rules, Policies, Procedures, and Custom, taught by NGC Parliamentarian Patty Arndt and NGC Leadership Chairman, Robin Pokorski.
    This video provides the fundamentals of parliamentary authority to help your organization conduct meetings and do business efficiently and effectively. (27 minutes)
  9. Environmental School
  10. Gardening School
  11. Landscape Design School
  1. Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster Contest Winners Ceremony 2022- The Forest Service department holds a ceremony for each Smokey Bear / Woodsey Owl Poster Contest winner each year. Due to the pandemic, the ceremony in 2020 and 2021 did not happen. Here is this years ceremony for the 2020, 2021, and 2022 winners. (40 minutes)
  2. PLANT AMERICA Grant Winners- In this video, we introduce you to three grant recipient clubs who created beautiful, sustainable projects for their communities: Westhampton, NY, Anna, IL, and Beaufort, SC.

    Although this is a small sample of the hundreds of Plant America grant recipients, these clubs were truly stellar in their ability to partner with other community groups to make their small piece of America better through collaboration and creativity. (32 minutes)
  3. PLANT AMERICA 8 Steps to Success - How to create a successful project in eight simple steps. (4 minutes)
  4. Plant America Community Grant Program - this video provides an overview of the Plant America grant process and takes you step-by-step how to apply. (30 minutes)
  5. NGC Awards Overview 2021-2023The NGC Award Chairmen goes over the new garden club awards program and how to use the award pages on the website. (40 minutes)
  6. NGC Award of Excellence 2021Each year, NGC's Award of Excellence recognizes exceptional individuals, organizations or institutions that advance our organization's goals and purposes. The Award of Excellence is NGC's highest honor for non-members. (2 minutes)
  7. AMES Tool Grants 2021Ames Tools partners with National Garden Club to provide garden clubs with tool grants for their projects. (2 minutes)
  8. Espoma Grants 2021Espoma partnered with National Garden Club to provide garden clubs with items for their projects. (7 minutes)

NGC Awards and Grants Overview

  1. Hostas(29 minutes)
  2. Cleaning Your Garden Tools 2021A short look at how to get your gardening tools ready for spring. (6 minutes)
  3. NGC Daffodils 2020Darlene Newell, an National Garden Clubs horticulture instructor, shares some information about daffodils. (3 minutes)
  1. Flower Preparation Tips 2022- Whether you have store bought flowers or ones from your garden, Cathy Waitinas, from Tennessee, a popular, in-demand Flower Show School instructor, has some winning tips on how to keep your flowers looking fresher, longer. (5 minutes)
  2. Meet Lynn Fronk, Host of Design Tips and Bytes- Design Tips and Bytes are short videos Lynn will be creating, plus she has lined up additional NGC floral designers, all sharing their expertise. (2 minutes)
  3. Introduction to Armatures 2022- A "how-to" so you can make your own armatures for your floral work from one of NGC's top floral design instructors, Lynn Fronk (8 minutes)
  4. Tapestry Design 2022- NGC Instructor Penny Decker discusses Tapestry Design type, providing the fundamental requirements for a great design with several great examples.(33 minutes)
  5. Let's Join a Flower Show School - Learn about the opportunities when you come to a National Garden Club Flower Show School. (3 minutes)
  6. Mechanics of Good Design 2022 (25 minutes)
  1. ZOOM Refresher- quick review of ZOOM skills (2 minutes)
  2. Presentation Preparation 2022- Simple Tips to help prepare you when you are presenting, whether you will have an online audience or in person. These are frequently used by actors and speaking professionals. (50 seconds)
  3. ZOOM Controls for Hybrid Presentations- Learn how to use the Zoom settings for your hybrid meetings. From camera settings to audio controls plus how to add additional cameras.(13 minutes)
  4. Explore Hybrid Strategies- How to use ZOOM for Hybrid applications for general club meetings, special events, DIY, and more.  Using Hybrid offers many ways to connect with your members and creates community opportunities.  Includes equipment suggestions and essentials. (9 minutes)
  5. Introduction to Canva 2022- Introduction on how to use Canva in your media and publicity projects. (9 minutes)
  6. Creating a Greeting Card with Canva 2022-  How to create a greeting card using the Canva program. (12 minutes)
  1. Christmas with Robin 2021A tour of Robin's Christmas house. (26 minutes)
  2. Home for the Holidays 2021- A tour of Christmas traditions of NGC members in the Americas. (1 hour)
  3. Perfect Vision Virtual Flower Show 2020A National Garden Club virtual flower show. Exhibitors took several photos of their entry from all sides and sent them in for the show. Judges then used the photos to judge the show. This is a sampling of some of the winners and 90+ entries. (7 minutes)
  4. Perfect Vision Flower Show 2020 PhotographyPhotography in the 2020 Perfect Vision Virtual Flower Show. (8 minutes)
  5. MANTS- Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show 2022- Interviews with vendors at the world's largest nursery trade show in Baltimore, Maryland. Learn about new products and plants. (30 minutes)

Great ideas to share with your club members on Enviornmental Concerns and Conservation - Our mother earth, eco-friendly gardening, and recycling, upcycling and stewardship. 

Membership Monday Oct 2024-  How did you find your garden club? What drew you to your club and what inspired you to stay? NGC members talk about how they found their club and got involved.

Membership Monday Feb 2025 Tools and Tips for Membership- Topics: Increasing value at every level of garden club – Shirley Tetreault
Membership committee, Re-visit restrictions that prevent membership growth, exit interviews
NGC website inquiries – Diane Dawson
What to do with the inquiries, timely response 
Going after non-federated clubs – Sue Miner
Know the history, identify benefits, create PowerPoint (state level), visit the club, woo-ship
NGC Schools – Greg Pokorski 
Members get a discount, sharing education w/the public, scholarship to schools, state grants to orgs sponsoring a school, publicity 
Big picture – Districts, states, regions, NGC – Cherie Lejeune 
Grants, meetings, conventions, scholarships, networking, leadership, liability insurance, award, projects i.e. Blue Star memorials, membership chairmen
New club formation – Robin Hammer
Mentorship, establish a committed team to help and the tools to start a club, think outside the box
Publicity – Suzy Andrego
Word of mouth needs to be good, outreach at public events, social media, don’t give up on hard copy newspapers, website, projects i.e. Blue Star memorials

Membership Monday March 2025 Virtual Clubs and Hybrid Meetings- Welcome to the Wonderful World of Online clubs - an exploration of creating a virtual club and the ins and outs of hybrid meetings.

Membership Mondays Nov 2024 Garden Clubs Successful in Membership Increase- Garden Clubs large and small tell how they increased their membership and give ideas for other clubs to use.