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Officers and Directors

Meet NGC's 2023-2025 Officers and Directors

Executive Committee - Elected and Appointed Officers
Honorary Life President: Deen Day Sanders
Brenda Moore   President
   Brenda Moore



Donna Donnelly    First Vice President
    Donna Donnelly
Gerianne Holzman     Second Vice President
    Gerianne Holzman

Third Vice President

Sue Miner


Administration Theme and Project

The theme for the 2023-2025 administration is "GO GREEN - PLANT AMERICA". Brenda Moore's Project during her administration is "PLANT AMERICA - Feed America", which is a campaign to help feed the hungry across America. Learn more by visiting the PLANT AMERICA, Feed America Project Page.

Recording Secretary
Monica Hansen
Lynette Jeffres
Corresponding Secretary
Bud Qualk
Susan Yoder
Patty Arndt
PH&E Director
Mary Warshauer


Regional Directors / Scholarship Committee

New England
Susan Miner
Central Atlantic
Monica Hansen
South Atlantic
Carcille Burchette
Deep South
Debby Cooper
Lynne Ehnert
South Central
Sarah McReynolds
Rocky Mountain
Robbie Kupper
Carol Norquist